Clinic Policies
Zero Tolerance Policy
Castlegar Medical Associates has a zero tolerance policy regarding any abuse or aggression towards our staff. Our front staff are trained to help patients and we make every effort to make your visit pleasant and comfortable. We are completely supportive of our staff and neither the doctor nor management will tolerate any rude or aggressive behavior. Individuals violating our policy will be immediately denied service, asked to leave the clinic and depending on the circumstances could be banned.
Prescription Renewal
Appointment Requirements and Reminders
For all in-clinic appointments, medical masks are mandatory (which we supply if you do not have your own) and we ask you to sanitize your hands at the front desk.
We will do our very best to book you a timely appointment, either as a phone consultation with one of our doctors, or if absolutely necessary, as an in-clinic visit.
If you feel you have symptoms consistent with COVID-19, please go to for a self-assessment tool, or call 811 for the nurses hotline. For reliable updates on COVID-19, please visit: BC Centre for Disease Control or Interior Health.
Since booking your in-office appointment, if have you developed any of the following symptoms OR been in contact with a confirmed or suspected case of Covid 19 OR traveled out of the country in the last 14 days, please call our office and reschedule your appointment.
- fever
- chills
- new or worsening cough
- shortness of breath
- sore throat
- new muscle aches
- headache